Favoured Culture
BBC drama Spooks, opening sequence
A fave tv series of many in the Shadow-More, our intelliigence wing
Music Half a minute, by Matt Binaco
The Cafulearena signature tune
Music who's side are you on, by Matt Binaco
Cafuelarena political signature tune Who's side are you are you on ?
Ruthless, cannibal, free market funadamentalism, anglo saxon American
capitalism ? Or post war German economic miracle, social capitalism, social market, or Rhineland capitalism, spoken of in the books by Will Htton ?
James Bond, car chase & underwater
The spy who loved me, the most aquatic Bond film.
The sea meds Sea Meditation Cafuelarena have an almost quasi religious love of the sea and rivers. Mystery surrounds the secret rituals gatherings, initiations, and bonding sessions, in or near the sea, evenings, midnight and dawn.
Dolphins footage - emotionally moving
A fair proportion of Cafuelarena are into electro swing music.